A framework for implementing gamification in Purchasing and Supply Management education

STEPHEN KELLY*, PETER VANGORP, Dennis Meyer, Vincent Delke

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Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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This paper uses the findings from a literature review and series of expert interviews to develop a richer and Purchasing and Supply Management (PSM) context-specific perspective of the different key techniques, tools and principles that can be used to develop gamified learning to enhance the skills required by PSM professionals in dealing with current and future challenges, such as the transformation to Industry 4.0. It also provides further details of the different stages of implementing gamified learning, which can enhance the success of any such provision.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2021
EventIPSERA Online Conference 2021: Purchasing Innovation and Crisis Management -
Duration: 29 Mar 20211 Apr 2021


ConferenceIPSERA Online Conference 2021
Internet address


  • gamification
  • gamified learning
  • skills
  • Industry 4.0
  • Framework


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