A critical exploration of the positive impact of an Institutional Fellowship on university wide teaching and learning.

John Bostock

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Edge Hill University has an Institutional Teaching and Learning Fellowship, in effect a team of 52 colleagues who work in various roles in academic and service areas to promote and champion teaching and learning (T and L). The Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) co-ordinates this Fellowship actively bringing the team together throughout the year to share experiences - an important focal point for developing staff within and beyond the Fellowship (Wenger, E. et al, 2002). This has increased engagement across the University in dialogue around T and L and placed renewed emphasis on the developmental, supportive and transparent process, pivotal in encouraging staff to articulate and reflect deeply on their professional activity-now realised in three aspects (Hogan, 2000): • All Fellows contribute to the CLT Staff Development Series by disseminating aspects of their work aligned to University T and L Priorities. Colleagues are able to take away practical ideas to share with staff and apply to their own teaching. • All Fellows act as Internal Reviewers and Mentors for the EHU CPD Scheme (UKPSF) for recognition of HEA Fellowships, And • All Fellows act as Personal and Academic Tutors (PATs) for the Post-Graduate Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education (PGCTHE). This means that Fellows are instrumental in supporting three distinct yet interconnected University mechanisms for maintaining quality T and L. But how is this evidenced? How has this influenced collaboration and teamwork? How can we show impact? (HEA, 2016) This session will discuss and reflect on how our collaborative infrastructure has influenced both the quality T and L and collaboration/teamworking across the university. The overarching priority for the Fellowship is to support colleagues who in turn influence students’ development of their intellectual, practical and creative potential.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 29 Jul 2017
EventSEDA Conference - Cardiff St David's Hotel, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Duration: 16 Nov 201717 Nov 2017


ConferenceSEDA Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • HEA
  • Fellowship


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