Stroke Action in the community: A multinational, Country Champion led randomised controlled study of community-based rehabilitation for stroke survivors in low resource settings delivered by volunteers

  • Bosch, Jackie (CoI)
  • Kumurenzi, Anne (CoI)
  • Belson, Sarah (CoI)

Project Details


The primary clinical intervention effectiveness question to be addressed by this proposal is whether a multi-disciplinary led, community-implemented intervention can improve the functional abilities of adult stroke survivors in low-resource settings in Malawi, India, Nigeria, Rwanda, and South Africa, compared to usual care. The interventions to be implemented, including their underlying efficacy, are based on evidence developed in high-resource settings. However, the delivery of the interventions (i.e., in the community), including the human resources used for that delivery, needs to be tailored to low-resource settings.
Short titleStroke Action in the Community
StatusNot started
Effective start/end date1/04/251/04/26

Collaborative partners


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