Personal profile


    As an adult trained nurse, I have held a wide variety of appointments throughout my clinical career. 

    I started my career as a Treatment Room Practitioner in Liverpool, having been employed onto the prestigious Staff Nurse Development Programme. I quickly learnt to work autonomously, providing minor nursing interventions and more complex wound and leg ulcer management. 

    Upon completion of the programme, I moved into District Nursing within rural West Lancashire, providing domicillary visits and treatment room services across a large area of West Lancashire. 

    I then moved into a role as a Family Health Nurse, working along side Health Visitors. I provided domicillary visits, ran Well Baby Clinics and provided health promotion advice to families. I immunised many babies and children across Sefton. Whilst in this role, I trained to deliver CPR training to families who had lost children previously to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. 

    I was beginning to devlep an interest for Pain Management and then moved to Secondary and Tertiary care at The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust. I worked as a staff nurse on the wards and day unit, co-ordinating care and patient movements/ discharges. 

    After gaining an MSc in Pain Management I moved into the post of Clinical Nurse Specialist in Chronic Pain. I remained in this post until 2021, when I left the NHS to move into Nurse Education and develop a research career. During this post I developed a particular interest in management of Neuropathic Pain; Post Surgical Neuropathic Pain (PSNP), Peripheral Diabetic Neuropathy (PDN), Phantom Limb Pain (PLP) and Central Neuropathic Pain (CNP).  

    • I Set up and developed one of the first Nurse Led High Concentration Capsaicin clinics in the country and created an SOP. This service was viewed as gold standard by industry. I worked closely with industry to assist other hospitals in the North West of England to set up similar services.  
    • I gained Nurse prescriber status with V300 and was actively involved in opioid management and opioid weaning. I developed a specialit interest in working with inpatient and outpatients to support them to reduce their opioid intake. I provided external education opportunities for GPs and allied Health Professionals, along side Dr Bernhard Frank, in relation to opioid weaning in the community setting. 
    • I supported and developed the safety of the inpatient IV Ketamine service. I created SOP for Nursing Staff, provided training to ward staff and improved safety of procedure through procurement of a specialist pump.
    • I was involved with teaching patients about pain on Pain Management Programme and provided medication follow ups and reduction plans for patients. 

    Research interests

    I have a strong interest in pain research. I am keen to begin building a portfolio of research based on my experience working within Pain Management.


    I currently teach undergraduate Nurses, but I also teach across other areas as required such as Nurse-Paramedic BSc and Nurse Associat programmes. 

    I am passionate about increasing the quality and quantity of pain education in the curriculum for undergraduate nurses. 

    External engagement

    I am a member of the Future NHS Collaboration, which aims to bring experts from the NHS togehter to disucss areas of specific interest and develop practice. 

    I am also a member of the Chief Nursing Officer for England's (CNO) Policy Network, which seeks to allow members opportunity to shape and influence health related policy, which developing evidence based practice. 

    Education/Academic qualification

    Pain Management , MSc, Cardiff University

    1 Sept 20121 Sept 2015

    Award Date: 1 Sept 2015

    Adult Nursing, Other, Edge Hill University

    1 Sept 20041 Sept 2007

    Award Date: 1 Sept 2007

    Other positions

    Clincal Nurse Specialist Chronic Pain, Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust

    13 Jan 201330 Sept 2021


    • RT Nursing
    • Opioids
    • Pain
    • Nurse Education
    • Nurse Prescribing
    • Non-Medical Prescribing


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