Accepting PhD Students

    Personal profile


    Jackie Davies joined Edge Hill Business School as a Senior Lecturer in Business and Management in June 2022, after working as an Associate Lecturer since September 2020.

    Jackie has an extensive business career that bridges academic, professional and industry experience across public, private and and social sectors in a variety of senior strategic roles and is passionate about encouraging an inclusive society for all through sustainable business practices.  This passion led Jackie to undertake a PhD around the emerging phenomena of social value in public sector procurement to support the socio-economic growth of place and communities, and she was successful in developing and securing a prestigious ESRC PhD CASE studentship at the University of Liverpool Management School.  During this tenure, her research enabled her to participate in the development of modules, research workshops, and policy debates equipping students and external partners with an understanding of the importance of inclusive growth business model practices to build a more sustainable business environment, particularly around the expected exponential growth around AI and Big Data.  This agenda became more important post Covid 19, with the need to advocate for inclusivity to be at the heart of any response to a geo-political environment facing exponential change, with lessons to be learned in relation to public sector procurement.  As a result of her work around this area, in 2020 she was invited to contribute to a series of policy papers funded through the COVID 19 research response programme within the University of Liverpool Heseltine Institute in partnership with the Liverpool City Region and Combined Authority. 

    Since being at Edge Hill Business School, Jackie has taught on a diverse range of business modules at levels three to seven and was head of year for level four accountancy students in 2022/23.  Building on her previous industry experience, Jackie advocates for a collaborative approach between academia and business to provide a synergy of learning that is based on theory, experience and business need.  She is currently an active member of the Knowledge Exchange programme of work within the Business School and the wider university community.

    Recent Publications:

    Co-author, 4* Journal - following on from additional research ativities within the University of Liverpool Heseltine Institute in 2017 researching the Regional Industrial Strategy for Liverpool City Region and its impact on employment.

    Thompson, M., Nowak, V., Southern, A., Davies, J., & Furmidge, P. (2020).  Re-grounding the city with Polyani: From urban entrepreneurialism to entrepreneurial municipalism.  Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space.  https://doi.org/10.1177/0308518X19899698

    Conference Papers:

    Rigg, C., Mangan, C., Knights, J., Davies, J. (2020). 'Digitalilzing Public Service Organisations - Implications for relations with service users.  In 36th EGOS Colloquium - 2020. University of Hamburg July 2020.

    Davies, J & Meehan, J. (2019). 'Social Value in Public Procurement: A Multi-Level Governance perspective'.  In 28th International IPSERA Conference - Art & Science of Procurement.  Milan 2019.

    Meehan, J., Davies, J. & Giordano, B. (2016). 'Social Value in Equity Housing Group's Supply Chain: Exploring assumptions using Action Research'.  In 23rd International EurOMA Conference.  Lancaster University, 2016.

    Mulhaney, A., Sheehan, J. & Hughes, J. (2002). 'Using ISO9000 to drive continual improvement in a SME'. In Change Management Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on ISO9000 & TQM.  RMIT University Melbourne 2002.

    Mulhaney, A., Sheehan, J. & Hughes, J. (2002). 'Unlocking Learning Potential - the key to SME survival'.  In 2nd International Conference for Systems Thinking in Management. Salford University, 2002.

    Reports and Policy Papers:

    University of Liverpool Heseltine Institute for Public Policy, Practice and Place - Responding to COVID 19 in the LIverpool City Region - Policy Briefing 004 - released for publication - 04.05.20:

    Meehan, J., Kennedy, O., Davies, J., Pinnington, B., Davies, N.  Co-ordination Public Procurement: Drawilng Closer in a Time of Distancing.  Heseltine Institute for Public Policy and Place, University of Liverpool. https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/heseltineinstitute/covid19policybriefs/policybrief004/#d.en.1203880

    Leading Public Services in a Digital Future - research commissioned by the Institute of Leadership and Management and conducted by University of Birmingham and University of Liverpool:

    Rigg, C., Knights, J., Davies, J., Mangan, C.  (2020).  Leading Public Services in a Digital Future.  University of Birmingham and University of Liverpool.

    Heseltine Institute for Public Policy, Practice and Place - Conference and Briefing Report:

    Davies, J., Boyle, M. (2019). 'Artificial Intelligence and Inclusive Growth: Complimentary, Contradictory or both? A Northern Powerhouse Perspective'.  In 'Humans need not apply! On the relationship between Artificial Intelligence and Inclusive Growth' - A Northern Powerhouse Mini-Conference, University of Liverpool (2019).

    Southern, A., Thompson, M., Davies, J., Nowak, V., & Furmedge, P. (2017). 'How to deliver great jobs: Towards an Industrial Strategy for the Liverpool City Region'.  Heseltine Institute of Public Policy, Practice and Place.  University of Liverpool.

    Research interests

    Jackie's research focuses on the following areas:

    • Defining Social Value/ESG Metrics
    • Social Value/ESG metrics in Public Sector Procurement
    • Capacity building sme/CVS supply chain organisations to compete for Public Sector contracts through consortia approaches.
    • Inclusive Growth for Place and Communities



    Jackie has taught on the following modules within the Business School:

    Level Three:

    • IFP1010 - Introduction to Business Studies (International Students)
    • IFP1015 - Subject Development: Business Studies (International Students)

    Level Four:

    • BUS1012 - Business Economics
    • BUS1013 - Introduction to Accounting and Statistics
    • BUS1014 - People and Organisations
    • BUS1015 - Operations Management
    • BUS1016 - Marketing for Business
    • BUS1020 - Principles of Marketing
    • ACC1021 - Introduction to Management and Personal Development

    Level Five:

    • LTM2010 - Trends in Leisure and Tourism
    • LTM2011 - Leisure and Tourism Planning
    • MED2050 - Creative Advertising

    Level Six:

    • BUS3024 - Strategic Management

    Level Seven:

    • BUS 4036 - Advertising and Marketing Communications
    • BUS 4037 - Public Relations and Reputation Management
    • BUS 4047 - Creating and Managing the Global Value Chain

    Leading Lancashire:

    • L5 - Management of Coaching and Mentoring
    • L7 - Developing Performance Management


    External engagement

    Jackie has recently been invited to talk about her research within local and regional business/public sector events which include:

    • Knowsley Chamber of Commerce Business Breakfast Event at the Shakespeare North Playhouse - 'Social Value: To be or not to be' (September 2023)
    • National Museums Liverpool - The Waterfront Transformation Project series of events (November 2023/January 2024)

    Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

    In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

    • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
    • SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
    • SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
    • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
    • SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
    • SDG 13 - Climate Action
    • SDG 15 - Life on Land
    • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
    • SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals

    Education/Academic qualification

    Social Value, PhD, Exploring an equitable approach to 'social valuing' social value in a public sector procurement contract: a multi-stakeholder perspective, University of Liverpool

    1 Dec 201730 May 2024

    Award Date: 30 May 2024

    Research Methods, MRes, Master of Research, University of Liverpool

    1 Sept 20161 Jun 2017

    Award Date: 30 Jun 2017

    Business, MA, Masters of Business Administration (MBA), Liverpool John Moores University

    1 Sept 200030 Jun 2004

    Award Date: 30 Jun 2004

    Business, BSc, Business Information Systems, Liverpool John Moores University

    1 Sept 199630 Jun 2000

    Award Date: 30 Jun 2000


    • H Social Sciences
    • Social Value
    • Social Value Metrics
    • Social Value in Procurement
    • Inclusive Growth
    • ESG Metrics
    • stakeholders

    Research Centres

    • Centre for Social Responsibility

    Research Groups

    • Community Owned Businesses Research Group
    • SustainNET


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