Place Ecology, Place Ecosystem, Place Phenology and the Place Ecologist

Activity: Talk or presentation typesOral presentation


Place Ecology, Place Ecosystem, Place Phenology and the Place Ecologist: An Exploratory Conceptual Paper. I’d love your perceptions and contributions. Email me: [email protected] - Recorded version coming soon, watch this space!

Google: ‘wiki commons your ecosystem gif’ for this gif – free to share according to the author unknown. Just a bit of fun. I try to find a fitting gif for my presentations.

My lenses and discourse to understanding place (what’s yours?)
Family, Cooking, Baking, Building, Landscape and Amenity Horticulture (See for example Jeykll, 1899), Ecosystems Management (Tansley, 1938), Environmental Sciences (Carson, 1962), ICT, the internet, Deep Ecology (Carson, 1962), Geography (Massey, 1994), Responsible and Sustainable Development/Sustainable Development Goals (Goodwin, 2011; UNDP, 2016), Conservation, mentoring, nature, heritage (Park, 2014; Ron and Timothy, 2018) counselling, travelling, Leisure, Travel, Tourism (Jafari, 1977; Leiper, 1979, 1990; Butler, 1980), ‘Business, Management, Leadership’ (Downton 1973, Burns, 1978, Goleman, 1995, Sarasvathy, 2001; Mintzberg, 2009), Place (Relph, 1976, 2019; Massey, 1994; Dovey, 1999; Freestone and Liu, 2016; Everything published in the JPMD, 2008-present day)…list is endless to be honest but at least I’ve tried, I hope you get the gist? Let me know [email protected]

Me as a Place Ecologist (what about you?)
Environmentalist (Carson, 1962; Lovelock, 1979; Thunberg, 2019…), Feminist (Rose, 1993 et al.,…), Postmodernist, Post-structuralist (all our discourse formulations: Foucault et al.,…), Post-phenomenologist (Rosenberger and Verbeek, 2015; Ihde, 2017), Interpretivist, constructivist (Silverman, 2013; Cresswell, 2015)… and the list goes on…ever changing. Considering place mosaics, bricolage, tapestries of closed systems and open systems, complex systems, place ecosystems and related place phenology…same again, endless list and ever changing like a sand dune to the elements.

Terms: Place Ecology, Place Ecosystem, Place Phenology, Place Ecologist

Terms implying and representing:

Place Studies & Practice – should certainly be broad and varied.
Complexities - terminology, shared language?
Universality - our broad, diverse understanding of place, and understanding of impacts and outcomes on place whatever they may be. IPM Code of Conduct, research and practice and cyclical discourse.
Deferential position – Ethical considerations; IPM Code.
Impacts & Outcomes – Ethical considerations; IPM Code.
Responsibility & Sustainability – all of the above and not enough points for any list, indeed exhaustive. IPM Code. UNDP Sustainable Development Goals.

This list is not exhaustive.

Please email me your thoughts: [email protected]

Place Ecology does not isolate the range of ecology studies but brings these or at least mindfulness of these to place management studies and related practice, discourse, conceptualisation and methodology.

Ernst Haeckel (1866) coined the word ‘ecology’.

However the origins and concepts of ecology are evident across the science of Hippocrates, Aristotle and Theophrastus, Carl Linnaeus, Comte de Buffon, James Hutton, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Alexander von Humboldt and of course Charles Darwin (see for examples McIntosh, 1984; Egerton, 2012; Lerner and Gehrke, 2018). The concept has since been applied to a whole host of disciplines.

Please, do a search linked to your discipline, your practice, your area of interest. Can we incorporate those findings and consider these as part of this term of Place Ecology. Email me with your findings: [email protected]

Arthur Tansley (1935) coined the word ‘ecosystem’. Ecosystem akin to ecology is one of the most adapted concepts to a range of disciplines. I have a wealth of ideas based on my discourse, philosophies and lenses I use to understand these terms. How about you?

Do a google search for ecosystems, check if there are any ecosystems linked to your discipline, practice or area of interest. Email me, let me know? Please do be part of the development of this: [email protected]

What’s your take on this? What are your observations, experiences, senses of your place phenology linked to current place ecologies and place ecosystems? Email me let me know! [email protected]

You, me, us, our IPM community, and those we connect with for the good of place management studies and all that come and go with place as students of place as highlighted across our discourse, studies and practice.

Mindful as in Ellen Langer’s (1989) Mindfulness…

Deferential goes without saying, …ethical considerations, IPM Codes, SDGs…

Let me know your thoughts! Email me: [email protected]

Thank you for your time

Get in touch, connect with me via social media. Lets develop this together.

Nicholas Catahan
Place Ecologist / Lecturer in Business and Management

Email me: [email protected]

Edge Hill University Business School
Period14 Mar 2019
Event titleInstitute of Place Management (IPM) Research Seminar at MMU Business School
Event typeSeminar
LocationManchester, United KingdomShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • Place Ecology
  • Place Ecosystem
  • Place Phenology
  • Place Ecologist

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  • SustainNET